Session Based Data and Fraud Protection

A session describes any interaction between a user and a platform. These interactions don’t go away once a user has disengaged with the platform. Records for each session are created and stored. Any changes or updates a user makes during a session can affect the behavior of an application in the future. Large amounts of…

Should You Invest in a Tablet?

There is nothing quite like the warm Florida breeze kissing your face as you water ski being pulled at forty miles per hour behind a boat. That and so much more is presented to you by world champion barefoot water skier Keith St. Onge as he demonstrates the barefooting trick: The Front Toe Hold. With…

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Voice Search SEO: How to Optimize in 2018

The way people browse and search the internet has changed a lot with the use of mobile phones and voice assistants. The search engine technology has undergone quite a revolution with help of companies like Google and their constant updates. Voice search is now very popular. Thanks to the latest implementation of Artificial intelligence technology…

The Smart SBO Primer for Getting Sales on a Budget

The cost of launching a business depends on its offers, market, and industry. A design business has a minuscule investment — its products are digital and work service-based. The Web and its free platforms facilitate its operations and expansion ultimately allowing any skilled (or amateur) individual into the market. Yet, difficulty arises from one, common…

Why the Right Pension is Crucial to a Successful Retirement

Pensions can be complex savings vehicles with even benefits and advantageous features sometimes being difficult to comprehend. This is borne out by so-called ‘pension freedoms’, which have caused confusion for around two-thirds of over-55s in the UK and made it difficult for savers to plan their retirement. This is why it’s important for prospective retirees…