A Mini Guide to Moving to Your Favorite City

There is more than likely a certain buzz that keeps you coming back to your favorite city. It doesn’t matter if you love the cultural attractions or career prospects, you will be excited about embracing a completely different way of life. If you’re seriously considering relocating, read some advice on how to move to your…

Session Based Data and Fraud Protection

A session describes any interaction between a user and a platform. These interactions don’t go away once a user has disengaged with the platform. Records for each session are created and stored. Any changes or updates a user makes during a session can affect the behavior of an application in the future. Large amounts of…

Should You Invest in a Tablet?

There is nothing quite like the warm Florida breeze kissing your face as you water ski being pulled at forty miles per hour behind a boat. That and so much more is presented to you by world champion barefoot water skier Keith St. Onge as he demonstrates the barefooting trick: The Front Toe Hold. With…

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Voice Search SEO: How to Optimize in 2018

The way people browse and search the internet has changed a lot with the use of mobile phones and voice assistants. The search engine technology has undergone quite a revolution with help of companies like Google and their constant updates. Voice search is now very popular. Thanks to the latest implementation of Artificial intelligence technology…