If your company has an online presence then it is essential that you should have a great looking website to showcase your products. A website is like a gateway through which not only you connect with your customers but also, they, in turn, can look at your products to find out what they like and then buy it. In order to attract more people to your website, it is important to improve the looks of your website.
Besides the looks of the website, you also have to work hard to improve your SEO strategies so that the search engines can rank your website higher than that of your competitors. Talking about competitors, you can learn from their strategies and how they designed their websites (only the successful ones) to get inspired and use those elements in your websites also for better results. Do not copy their work but try to take tips from what is making their websites so great and then implementing them in your own website design or Ui UX design so that it becomes more attractive resulting in better traffic flow through it. Here we are giving you some particular features that you should look at in your rival’s websites more closely and use them artistically in your own website.
1). Colour: When you design a website make sure you give adequate importance to the colours. Colour plays an important part in improving the mood of the web pages. Depending on what type of mood you want to create, you can use a different kind of colours; for attracting attention you can use the bright yellow and to improve the trust quotient, you can make use of the blue colour. Similarly, other colours have their own significance and you have to figure out how to use them to project the image of the company that you desire in the mind of the customers.
2). Layout: Layout plays an important role in the overall experience of the viewer who visits your site. A good layout allows you to put those elements of your business that you think is very important to focus. It should allow the viewer to browse the website without any hindrance. When you want to improve the UI of the user, then the first thing that you do is to improve the accessibility of the viewers to the website. He should be able to access the information of his interest without any problem. To do this you need good tables and attractive labelling.
3). Easy to identify the Call to Action buttons: Calling CTA’s as one of the most important parts of your website is perfectly true. Websites for the companies are designed primarily to tell others about what the company is all about and how to sell their products in a hassle-free way. If the landing page of your company’s website is not doing great or the conversion rate is not optimal, then you have to look very closely at the CTA buttons on your website. You have to design the CTA buttons that it is able to direct the users towards a particular section of your business that you want to highlight or improve the conversion rate. These two features are important for the financial success of your business. Therefore, look how your competitors have placed their CTA buttons and then try to implement the basic idea of the placement position to improve the CTA button position of your own website. In order to make the CTA more effective, you can motivate the users by using text action-oriented (like ‘sale 35% off’).
4). Verbiage: You should scour the websites of your successful online competitors to find out what kind of contents they are posting on their websites. Find out what is trending there and try to post articles or blogs on similar subjects on your website too. While posting articles or blogs make sure that you choose the correct font for publishing the articles. The font that you chose should be easy to read and must contrast beautifully with the background. Different fonts evoke different type of moods some of these are more positive then the others, you should use those kinds of fonts in your website.
5). Pictures: Research has proven that the attention span of an individual is no more than 6 to 7 seconds. If you want to make an impact on the mind of your viewers, then you have to make it in the first 6 to 7 seconds only. And what better way to do than posting high quality photos that are related to the subject that your company deals in. As the adage goes ‘one picture is worth a thousand words’. Therefore, they are the right medium to convey what you want to in the shortest possible time and in an interesting way also.
Hermit Chawla is a Marketing Manager at Sprak Design. He would love to share thoughts on Ui Ux Design Company, Lifestyle Design, Branding Firm, Exhibition design etc..
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