It’s easy to forget simple things when you’re on the go. Maybe you forgot to turn your bathroom light off before leaving the house or you left your notebook at home rather than putting it in your backpack. Sometimes the things we forget are nothing more than minor annoyances, but other times it can be more dire.
You could have forgotten to turn off a stovetop burner or not have locked your car after leaving it in a busy parking garage. If you’re a city-goer, it could involve you forgetting a self-defense tool behind.
Cities can be dangerous, and it’s always in your best interest to remain prepared, whether that’s keeping your wits about you by remaining aware of your environment or by knowing where you’re going and informing others of your location in the meantime. A simple way to remain prepared, on top of staying vigilant by listening to and watching your surroundings, involves carrying a self-defense tool on you.
These tools can include batons, knives, and pepper spray—devices that can be readily employed to protect you against assault and theft. Best of all, some of these tools can be used to intimidate potential criminals, scaring them off before they can approach you.
But not every self-defense weapon is a large item that needs to be carried like a gun slung over your shoulder in an old western movie. Modern self-defense tools have been made compact enough to where they can be carried right on your keychain. Placed alongside your keys, these safety gadgets are immediately accessible, allowing you to remain safe wherever you are.

Source: Nor Gal/
Here are seven of our favorites, sure to keep you safe in any situation:
- Knuckle Weapons
Forget brass knuckles—this isn’t a bar fight. Knuckle weapons can be readily wielded, attached to a keychain for immediate use in the face of danger. These handy gadgets make it easy to stay safe whether you’re commuting to work in the morning by train or walking to your car late at night. The rigid knuckles and sharp edges are sure to stop any assailant right in their tracks.
- Knives
Knives are a great option for anyone looking for the ultimate form of protection. Readily stored on a keychain, you can grab for a knife and be protected within seconds. Just be mindful of how you use the safety tool and where you carry it, as each state has different concealed carry laws for knives.

Source: Adrin Shamsudin/
- Pepper Spray
Sometimes it’s in your best interest to remain protected while maintaining your distance. Keychain pepper sprays offer you just that. These small canisters can be easily carried on your person, all without the weight and size of normal pepper spray devices. While the spraying distance will tend to be shorter than the larger alternatives, you’ll have a small protective device that can be carried without raising any suspicions along the way.
- Stun Guns
The best self-defense gadget is the kind that can scare off an assailant or completely incapacitate them if they don’t give up even after you’ve warned them to stay away. Stun guns provide you with just that luxury. The electrodes will emit a terrifying, shocking, snapping sound when engaged, sometimes being enough to cause a criminal to go running out of pure fear.
But, if they remain undeterred, the device can be employed to emit millions of volts of electricity into their body, causing temporary paralysis. This stunning effect can provide you with either enough time to escape to safety or to gather a crowd of nearby people who can apprehend the criminal until police are able to arrive and take control of the situation.
- Expandable Batons
Looking to keep some distance while fighting off an attacker? Expandable batons provide just that, allowing you to remain safe by having a device that can expand its size just as needed. The best part of this weapon is that it appears completely innocuous, otherwise, not bringing any attention to itself until it is needed for use. And, once expanded, this weapon can be wielded for protection against an assault or robbery.

Source: cosma/
- Panic Alarms
Easily connected to a keychain alongside your car and apartment keys, panic alarms are simple devices that can keep you safe as soon as needed. These devices are no-fuss personal protection solutions, working simply by your pulling a chain or pressing a button. Once activated, this device will emit a high shriek over 100 decibels in volume.
The one thing that criminals hate more than anything is attention, as it increases their chances of being caught and facing charges. Activating this device will bring immediate attention to both you and them, which will hopefully cause them to flee from the scene, leaving you protected.
- Kubotans
Considered pressure point weapons, kubotans are handheld, pointed devices that can be driven into a person’s flesh for the ultimate protection. Striking a nerve or soft tissue can cause temporary paralysis and severe pain, while striking a bone hard enough—in direct contact with clothing in between—could even lead to a break. This non-lethal option is a great alternative to knives, having a similar shape while providing you with maximum force and intensity when attempting to fight off an assailant.
Keep Personal Safety Devices Handy
While it’s easy to forget simple things when you leave the house, it doesn’t have to be the norm when it comes to your personal safety. Rather than taking your chances, have a keyring safety gadget on hand. These easy-to-carry self-defense tools can help guarantee you have a form of protection at all times, no matter where you are. Consider getting your own today so you’re prepared before anyone can catch you by surprise.
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