A Facebook page is an online page created by people for sharing views about something. Facebook pages can be created for a company, brand, celebrities, films, sports, books, authors, online games or any other promotional activities etc.
A Facebook page is considered popular by the number of people liking that page and the number of people talking about it. People can like a page, post comments on various posts, photos or videos. People can even put their own posts for queries or statements. A Facebook page is managed by the owner of the page, who created the page also known as the admin of the page. Sometimes a number of other people can also manage a Facebook page if they have admin permissions. Some of the tips to manage a Facebook Page are discussed below.
Image Credits: Creativeshooter.com
Being creative
When there are so many numbers of pages already existing in Facebook, it is important to be creative and not copy what others are doing. Creativity can be brought in posts that make people laugh or entertain. More people like to like something that they have never seen before and can bring a smile on their faces. Creativity is the key to make a Facebook page popular.
Image Credits: www.Craftsquatch.com
Being up to date
A page once created, and left for long duration will make people lose their interest in that page. Being more regular with the page and providing latest information will keep more people engaged to that page. People often like a page to know the current happenings and if the admin does not satisfy that, people are more likely to drift away from that page.
Using photos or videos more often to attract the people
People respond to photos or videos more than long posts or stories. An entire story can be narrated through a single photo and people can respond to it without having to spend much time. Posts may not be read by people but photos are seen by many as they get updated.
Asking questions through polls and creating contests
To know the public interests, polls can be created for asking questions and providing various options. Asking questions through polls makes it easy to know the response unlike in posts where each and every comment needs to be viewed to know the public responses. Contests can be created from time to time to keep more people engaged and rewarded in the page.
Image Credits: Sean MacEntee
Replying to every question asked in comments or posts
It takes a lot of patience to answer every question, and more when same repetitive questions are asked again and again by different people. But responding to everyone is important for the admin. People who are making the page popular should not be felt neglected.
Thus, being regular and creative with the contents of a Facebook page, and interacting with people more often, one can manage a Facebook page effectively. One needs to invest good amount of time to maintain and manage a Facebook page if its popularity grows.
About The Author: Claudia is a writer/blogger. She contributes to Infurn. SHe loves writing, travelling and horse riding.