Hi!, My name is Mediajon and I'm the first contact with you here. Everything I know about icon illustration, vector graphics I taught myself. I read tutorials and try them online. I run a textile printing company and we do a lot of fashion design everyday.

Starting a Business and Keeping Debt at Bay

The decision to start your own business can have a major impact on your finances and overall life. It is an important accomplishment that people can achieve when they are willing to work hard, have good ideas and prepare the resources they need. When you want to start a business you need a viable concept,…

Data Company Security

Top 9 Worst Data Security Breaches So Far

It is amazing that we are in 2017 and companies are still not taking online data breaches and internet security seriously. Every company thinks, it could never happen to us, but it is only a matter of time if you do not have security measures in place. Consider contacting an information security consultant immediately to…

An Overview of Small Business Loans

Small business owners have many options open to them today. However, they no longer can depend on embracing the traditional path. It is quite impossible for most small businesses to get a bank loan. If statistics were to be believed more than 80 percent of the small business entrepreneurs have been denied loans from the…

Travel Destinations for Photographers in 2017

There are many places around the world which boast breathtaking landscapes, iconic architecture and scenic views that every photographer will want to see. For 2017, we’ve come up with a list of travel destinations with awesome visual stimulation and natural light. Greece The grace and harmony of the ancient Athenian structures and majestic beaches in…