Hi!, My name is Mediajon and I'm the first contact with you here. Everything I know about icon illustration, vector graphics I taught myself. I read tutorials and try them online. I run a textile printing company and we do a lot of fashion design everyday.
When buying a diamond, it’s very important that you understand certification. Buying a diamond that is certified ensures that it is a diamond that has been sourced ethically. When you start to do your research, you will soon discover that there are many different diamond certifications out there. For anyone new to the business, this…
Having a newborn endure a photo shoot can be a stressful experience for the child, and the little one’s well-being should always be given priority. This special event captures the purity and sheer beauty of a newborn infant, and in order to achieve the best results, you should get to know the photographer prior…
If you are planning to buy a fashionable watch but worried about budget then we are sharing a list of 5 branded watches that are suitable for every budget. So, the budget is a big deal. These 5 brands are popular for their quality products such as watches and clocks. Their budget depends on the…
Are you afraid that you might have to close shop because of the high debts accumulated, agonizing phone calls from creditors and never ending business and personal expenses? You aren’t alone and like most of the people who have made it to the other side successfully, you must be willing make some changes and adopt…
Interior decorating doesn’t always come natural to every homeowner, but with some simple solutions and easy craft projects, your home can look like something out of a magazine! Try one of these creative home decoration ideas to update the look and feel of your rooms. Permanent Flowers A bouquet of flowers is always warm…
Since traveling is a necessary part of many people’s lives, it’s easier now more than ever to travel in comfort and style. Whether you’re a frequent flier or you only travel during the holidays, learning how to dress and what to bring is crucial to being comfortable and put together. With that in mind,…
Your wedding day is one of the most treasured days of your life. Everyone knows that photos are precious. Combine the two and you can have a wonderful recollection of your love and the day you celebrated it. People love photos and with the rise of social media photos are really making a comeback. They’re…
The aim of advertising is to promote products using creative messaging that combines engaging visual content and intelligent copy to convince audiences to buy. Over the years, several beauty brands have impacted their consumers and made a statement in the industry. From campaigns aimed at emboldening women to those that inspired a generation, here are…
Diamonds have been ruling the minds and hearts of women since time immemorial. Diamonds are surely the ultimate in glitziness and they are often referred to as the sparkling fragments of stars or even tears of Gods. Mankind has always been fascinated and besotted by the beauty and the glitter of diamonds. Dressing for any…
T-Shirt Design for Screen Printing
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