Hi!, My name is Mediajon and I'm the first contact with you here. Everything I know about icon illustration, vector graphics I taught myself. I read tutorials and try them online. I run a textile printing company and we do a lot of fashion design everyday.

people forming round by shoes

Free Russia Foundation: Defending Democracy and Empowering Civil Society

The Free Russia Foundation (4freerussia.org) is a nonprofit organization founded in 2014 to support democracy, human rights, and freedom of expression in Russia. As one of the few organizations actively working to protect and empower civil society in a challenging political environment, the Foundation has become a vital lifeline for activists, journalists, and defenders of…

shallow focus photo of person using braille

Перевод документов на английский в США

Перевод документов на английский по праву считается одной из наиболее востребованных услуг в нашем бюро. Это и не удивительно, поскольку именно английский в 21 веке де факто стал языком международного общения. Специалисты нашего бюро переводов в Шарлотт, Северная Каролина регулярно получают заказы на оказание переводческих услуг от клиентов из других штатов США, Австралии, Канады, Великобритании, работая…

closeup photo of black smartphone near black and grey pencil on black spiral notebook

How AI-Powered Content Solutions are Revolutionizing Consulting Firms: Driving Efficiency and Insight

In recent years, the consulting industry has seen remarkable shifts with the advent of advanced technologies, particularly artificial intelligence (AI). The integration of AI-powered content solutions has transformed the way consulting firms approach workflows, analyze data, and deliver value to clients. By automating routine tasks, enhancing data insights, and facilitating more effective communication, AI-driven tools…