Hi!, My name is Mediajon and I'm the first contact with you here. Everything I know about icon illustration, vector graphics I taught myself. I read tutorials and try them online. I run a textile printing company and we do a lot of fashion design everyday.
Let’s face it, we all at least once came across the time when we had to convert an audio file into some other format, and despite all the research and the efforts, we ended up frustrated because nothing worked. Well, this usually happens because most of the online sites and software are fake and they…
5 Consequences of misunderstanding business metrics and how to fix them! As a business owner, you already know that building a robust business plan certainly isn’t enough anymore. Your work doesn’t end with hiring competent employees and strategists for your company. Business metrics are essential for a start-up as it helps you to understand the…
Can you still make a ton of money using a blog in 2019? Of course! The fundamentals of making money online through blogging haven’t changed much, but it is a heck of a lot noisier out there than it used to be. Here is a very high-level overview of the process. How money is made…
SYPWAI, one of the most successful startups of TheNeurosphere, continues its development TheNeurosphere was founded on November 10, 2015 by a group of young scientists. The best experts in the field of computer-aided learning of neural networks worked on its development. The main mission of the team was the ability to train artificial intelligence, so…
It’s not new to guess that most companies today work on latest technologies. Old technologies are now given a rest and emphasize is more towards new trends that capture user attention. The companies that work on new technologies have to be equipped with good developers that are aware of new technologies and have required qualification…
Are you looking for portrait photography, fashion, or item amusement? However, are you running out of space? Or on the other hand, maybe you are interested in what you could do with some expert hardware and a devoted space? Leasing photography studio hire space is regularly an ideal answer for any of these circumstances. Points…
Can you imagine a day without an email? Can you imagine a day without any pop up or banner ad? No, you can’t because it’s 2018. Today, we live in a digital world where Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, etc. rule everything we see online. In fact, the offline world is also heavily influenced by…
Majority of people own a smartphone, a reason enough to know the interesting facts associated with the designing, development, marketing and the downloading of the apps. The current mobile app development regime is as dynamic as the types of apps available in Play Stores. They have features worth talking about, which is also a reason…
Everything in today’s world, it seems, is going ‘smart’. Cars are no different, with more and more smart technology being developed in the motor industry. Given the huge impact smartphones have on our lives, it can come as no surprise. Whatever one’s views about the prevalence of smart technology in modern society, the fact that drivers are…
With the advent of technology, people start using more technology like scanning documents, saving and sending large files using cloud computing. But, with the heavy use of technology, we cannot say today’s world is completely paperless. In offices, people use papers to print contract forms, drafts proposals, and many useful articles to read after office…