The Top 5 Reasons Why Your App Is Not Selling

While iPhone application sales generate great streams of revenue to savvy developers, there is no question that the industry is very competitive. According to “Inc,” the iPhone app store realizes over $200 million per month in app sales. At the same time, this store receives as many as ten thousand new apps every month. This…

Session Based Data and Fraud Protection

A session describes any interaction between a user and a platform. These interactions don’t go away once a user has disengaged with the platform. Records for each session are created and stored. Any changes or updates a user makes during a session can affect the behavior of an application in the future. Large amounts of…

Should You Invest in a Tablet?

There is nothing quite like the warm Florida breeze kissing your face as you water ski being pulled at forty miles per hour behind a boat. That and so much more is presented to you by world champion barefoot water skier Keith St. Onge as he demonstrates the barefooting trick: The Front Toe Hold. With…