Establish Strong Online Presence With These 7 Branding Tricks
How can you get noticed online when it seems like there is so much competition? Digital marketing experts have discovered what works and what doesn’t work. Establish a strong online presence with these 7 branding tricks.

Online Brand Presence
Experts understand the value of content marketing, website design and personal interaction for creating a powerful online presence. An estimated 89% of B2B marketers say that creating “strong brand awareness” is their most important goal, according to the Content Marketing Institution. With brand awareness, your products or services can sell themselves.
Take one step backwards and two steps forward.
Yet, you might be surprised by how brand managers accomplish this goal. In fact, 70% of brand managers start their brand promotion by building an audience. They develop a consumer base that will purchase their products or services.
Of course, the consumers already exist. They just don’t know that they need your products or services, yet. That is where marketing can help – encouraging people to feel like they need your merchandise. Use these seven proven strategies to create a strong online presence that will influence the public agenda.
1. The story of the Day
The modern news cycle has become 24/7/365. Therefore, the global media needs a lot of content to fill up their media channels. This has led to the creation of the Story of the Day.
Politicians are very good at this. When they are running for office, they will use a “keyword” and repeat it several times to send a message. This psychological conditioning technique teaches the masses how to think and what to think.
The best online brands tap into the Story of the Day. They make it relevant to their products or services. By linking to these current affairs, you show how your brand is relevant in the world.
2. Up-to-Date Relevant Content
When you visit Google Search Console Tools, it says the following: “You want to be found on the Web. We want to help.” You can’t really parse the creation of a strong online presence more succinctly. Google will give you a high Page Rank on searches when you deliver up-to-date, relevant content.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a competition. You are competing for relevant keywords with other websites. You are competing to get listed as an online brand that can satisfy Web visitor needs.
3. Website Design

Many people are visually-dominant. When you create an appealing website design, you can gain immediate attention. Start with industry-specific colour templates and add your own personalized branding finishing touch. If you are an ecommerce website, make sure to add detailed product description, similar product suggestions, easy navigation and appealing images. Take an example of Oroton’s Travel Wallet page where all the mentioned aspects are covered carefully to create a user friendly website experience.
4. Real-Time Speed
Speed can be the difference between success and failure. A KISSmetrics infographic noted that even a one-second delay in website speed could cost you a lot of money annually. Slow processing speeds reduce the number of transactions that can be completed.
Twitter has created the expectation for people to be Always Online. Of course, you cannot burn the midnight oil continually, but you can create interactive features to keep your visitors entertained when you are offline.
5. Subject Matter Expert
The top online personalities all have some special charismatic, intellectual or emotional characteristic allowing them to connect with the masses. Establish yourself as a subject matter expert (SME) to gain relevancy. Statistics show that consumers will start their online journey by visiting the most trusted website.
Lorelle on WordPress believes that the most trusted website provides answers, makes you feel comfortable and you just know that it is credible. Provide some value to every website visitor. Teach them something new each day – that will gradually increase their trust in your brand.
The same is true for any internationally-recognized product or service. Winning brands perform an essential function in someone’s life. Give back to the online community to create a strong online presence.
6. Interactive Vibrancy
When you remember something that a customer said, you can create an important emotional connection. You can use customer relationship management (CRM) software to collect important data on buying habits. Then, offer upselling prompts – customers will feel that you care about them because you remembered what they purchased in the past.

Make people feel good. Create a tremendous user experience (UX) that will make people praise your brand through word of mouth. This is how you increase your brand recognition online.
7. Personality Quirks
Real men have emotions, feelings and personality quirks. The best brands have their own special appeal. While you must be efficient, you must also create an emotional connection with your audience.
Go out of your way to use people’s first names. Answer their questions and remember what they talked about previously. Everyone loves good people. That is why charity and Zakat are so important.
Those who succeed should give back to their community. You should show some of your personality quirks, but don’t make them the foundation of your brand. Simply show that you are human to make an emotional connection with your audience.
Collaborative Venture
The World Wide Web is not owned by anyone, in particular. It is a collaborative venture where individuals, organizations and businesses add their two cents. Teach your website visitors something new each day.
Eventually, you can build up trust as a subject matter expert. Touch the heartstrings. You can establish a strong, enduring online presence with the aforementioned 7 branding tricks.
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