We all use smart phones and most of them operate on Android. Though iPhones are considered to be more reliable against malwares and other such attacks but it also brings some restrictions. According to a survey conducted in 2016, around 99% of phones in the market were smart phones out of which 86.2% of phones were Android and rest iOS based. So as you can see how big of a market is captured by Google’s Android. And even though they are so popular, they come with their own set off problems like crashing, freezing, lagging, decrease in performance, etc. So in this article I am going to share with you some of the tips and tricks that you can use to gain back your Android’s lost performance. Have a look:

Image Source: mantraglobal
How to boost Android Performance
Get rid of Unnecessary Apps
There are tones of apps on Play store and if you are looking for apps apart from the official sources then there are a ton more. I totally understand the feeling of downloading all the apps which we see and find interesting. We often think that we will use them whether it is a language learning, fitness scheduler, and novel or for reading comic books, we tend to download them all and after a week or two we forget about their existence. You may but your phone doesn’t so they stay there like the garbage you forget to take out.
All of this clutter does no good to one’s device; it just fills up the space and eats up your data whenever you update applications. So remove all the unnecessary apps which are installed on your device. Storage which is filled to the brim brings down the needed performance.

Image Source: meetingpool
Update Apps
One of the main reasons for lag, crash and freeze are the outdated applications which are occupying the vacancy. You may have forgotten to update them or your internet connection is down and there are a lot of times when outdated apps are harmless but if compatibility issues arise then it is your Smartphone that suffers.
Clear out Junk
It is not just the apps but also a lot of unnecessary files that slowly populate over the time in the storage which affects the performance of your Android. Remove all the pdfs, music, movies, videos, apks, docx files, etc. that are not needed by you for the moment. If you have an account with Google then you can upload all your data in the Google drive, this will allow you to keep your data close to you and still avoid pressurizing the storage unit.
Get rid of Animations
Animations, transitions, live wallpapers, etc. all look pretty and good but at the same time put a lot of stress on processing and speed of our Smartphone. So if you are facing issues with the performance or especially if you are operating an old Smartphone, it would be better to get rid of all the transitions and animations. Even live wallpapers keep the CPU running extra instructions all the time which makes it less resourceful for other tasks.

Image Source: pinterest
Get a better Memory Card
Did you know that the quality of memory cards can really affect the performance of your phone? No, I am not talking about storage but quality which is measured in class. Memory cards are usually classified in classes from 1 to 10, one being the lowest in the range and 10 being the best. Class 10 memory cards have greater data transfer speeds which helps your phone to access more data in a short time. So if you are facing lag issues while watching a movie or listening to a song that is in your memory card then do check what it is manufactured in.
Delete Cache
A lot of temporal information gets generated whenever you surf the internet, this is stored in the form of cache, cookies and history. Your browser is responsible for holding it and this information comprises passwords, login details, pages that you visited bookmarks, etc. Information that is useful to big corporations. So until and unless you don’t remember your login credentials, you can safely delete this data. It will help your browser to perform more efficiently and you can surf faster.
Factory Reset

Image Source: drfone
If nothing works then do a complete and total reset of the data but this should only be your last resort. This will completely erase any kind of data that you have on your phone and so taking a backup is always ideal. If you have performed all the above steps and are still facing performance problems then it would be a better solution to completely erase the setup. It can even reset the logs and will bring your phone in a state as it was before.
So these were some of the tips and tricks on how to boost Android’s performance that I wanted to share with you. Do keep in mind that some of these can permanently delete your data so it is always suggested that you take a backup of your device so that you can recover it just in case.
Hope it helps.
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