With the whole world stuck at home due to COVID-19, the smartphone has become our friend in need. Whether it is about connecting with friends, searching for new recipes, or doing the workout, your phone has a cure for everything. Also, due to lockdown, many of you must be missing your gym. But as said earlier, the smartphone is the solution to your every problem. You can download a fitness app, and continue with your workout with a tap of a button.
With the quick spread of coronavirus, the necessity of staying fit has increased. That’s why the popularity of online wellness apps is reaching the sky. And if you’re on the same train of keeping your body fit, then read on the blog. We’ve handpicked 6 best wellness apps for you, download any one of these, and be happier and healthier.
- Headspace:
If you’re working from home and need some peace and calmness, then give a tap to the Headspace app. It is one of the best meditation apps that will give your mental health a push to a productive direction. It will also switch off your stress mode. If you are a beginner, then you can start with the Foundation series, after which you need to subscribe to get access to guided meditations.
The catalogue of this app will consist of mini-meditations and SOS sessions. Believe us, once you’ll tune in with this app, you’ll feel stress-free, relaxed, and happy.
- Meditopia:
The world was in a standstill for months. And that might have caused an impact on your relationships, mind, physical health, as well as sleep. However, you’ll able to solve all of these problems by downloading Meditopia. It will start your day with sessions that will help you to get out of your bed and enjoy a positive mindset.
Though many of you aren’t going to the office, your life is going busy. Right? Meditopia offers 10-minutes-a-day sessions for a seven-day free trial. Once you get into the track, you can subscribe to it and get access to more than 1000 meditations.
- Sworkit:
To stay fit and in shape, you need to make the workout your habit. And that is where you’ll need the Sworkit app. From 5-minutes abs sequences to daily stretches, Sworkit allows you to sweat without thinking twice. With more than 400 unique workouts and over 800 exercises, you’ll get a simple and enjoyable experience.
They have certified trainers to answer your fitness and nutrition-related questions. Not only that, but you can also create and save your custom workouts. With the Sworkit app downloaded on your phone, we are very sure that you will never miss your gym.
- MyFitnessPal:
Many of you must be working from home, and therefore your routine of eating food, drinking water, sleeping, doing exercise must have changed. And that could hamper your immunity level. Well, there’s no other simpler way to track your food, water, activity, weight, and measurements than MyFitnessPal. Yes, that’s true!
Through its barcode scanner, recipe importer, progress charts, and custom reminders, you’ll be able to achieve your 2020 wellness goals. So, track your carbohydrates, proteins, and fat intake without feeling guilty by downloading the MyFitnessPal app.
- Down Dog:
People who are getting bored at home, download the Down Dog yoga app as it will make your boredom tough. The top-rated yoga app will allow you to choose your style of yoga and class duration, and then customise never repeated routines. You’ll feel like you’ve got a yoga instructor on your phone.
It has over 60,000 configurations of sessions. All you have to do is fill out your preferences and hit start. You can try using the free version first, then once you get confident about it, download the premium version of it.
- Meditation Studio:
Meditation helps you to reach your soul and deepens the connection with yourselves. And Meditation Studio offers the same with its 200 guided meditations. The best part of this app is that they have a collection of various themes. And it is based on elements like focus, confidence, work performance, creativity, etc.
Add some meditations to your studio and practice the same from anywhere. You need to sign for a free trial and later on subscribe to it as per your preferences. Download it today, and it will transform your day (and thus, your life) through simple sessions.
Let’s face it! We all have become so busy in our life that we’ve forgotten to take care of our mental health. But downloading any of the above wellness apps will surely bring your mind on track. One more thing: Along with your brain, even your smartphone (a nest of all the apps) needs some tender, love, and care. Don’t you think?
In this scenario, you cannot afford to crack and damage your phone’s display. After all, you need to exercise and meditate with the help of your phone. Hence, learn about the best accessories to prevent your phone screen cracking. This add-on willsafeguardyour smartphone’s display while the above wellness apps will protect your health.
Author Bio:
Hi, I am Mike Morleye. As a professional writer, I put together my writing skills to share knowledge on diverse topics in a readable, understandable and appealing format. And you can follow us on Instagram and Pinterest
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