Tutorial Details
Program: Adobe Illustrator
Difficulty: Beginner
Estimated Completion Time: 20 minutes
Today we are going to learn some basic tips of Illustrator.
Step 1: Draw Rectangle
Create a new Document with 500 pixels by 500 pixels. With the Rectangle tool, click on your document and type 100 px by 100 px for your square. While it’s selected, choose a yellow color from the Swatches Panel.
Step 2: Create Horizontal Row
To create a horizontal row choose Effects>Distort & Transform > Transform. Change Move to 104 px for Horizontal and Copies to 3, then click OK.
Step 3: Create Vertical Row
To create a vertical row choose again Effects>Distort & Transform > Transform and click “Apply New Affect”. Change Move to 104 px for Vertical and Copies to 3, then click OK.
Now Our Squares are ready to use. If you want to edit the rectangles separately, you can Expand and Ungroup with Object > Expand Appearance.