You often teeter close to deadlines and do everything at the last minute? Although you consider your organizational and time management skills to be solid – could there be another cause? Yes, there can and your lack of focus and energy which cause you to be less productive can be rooted in something else. Here is a list of factors that affect your productivity without you perhaps being aware of it so that you can find a way to become more efficient.

(Ir)regular exercise
Those who believe that physical activity has nothing to do with work-related productivity are in for a surprise. It has been noted that regular exercise during work days resulted in a whopping 72 percent improvement in time management which leads to higher productivity levels. Besides being good for your health in general, exercising helps with fighting off stress and fatigue which means when you feel drowsy in the afternoon, instead of pouring yourself another cup of coffee, you might try taking a break and go for a walk or doing a couple of stretching exercises. If you have the opportunity, it is recommended that you go to work on foot so that when you arrive at the office, you would be energized and ready to tackle any task.

Workspace design
Even if you might not generally pay much attention to interior design, it will influence your attitude towards whatever you are working on in that particular moment even without you noticing it. For instance, the colors of the walls around you can help you to stabilize your thoughts (blue), stimulate creativity (yellow) or evoke passion and competitiveness (red). If you feel overwhelmed by work and you have a problem concentrating, it is best to take a break and move away from your desk into another room. It would be perfect if that room would have more comfortable pieces of furniture so you sit and relax in the soothing interior of the place. Alternatively, if you have a nook with greenery inside your workspace, you can spend a few minutes there to calm down your senses. The goal is to take a few minutes to recharge your batteries and channel that energy to boosting your productivity.

Lighting is the key
People often struggle to pinpoint the reason behind splitting headaches and eye-soreness and in a lot of cases, inadequate lighting is the guilty party. Natural light is more adequate for a working environment but it also needs to be controlled via curtains to prevent glare. As for artificial lighting, each employee within an office needs to have an appropriate amount of light for maximum productivity. When in doubt about how to optimize the office lighting system, it is best to consult with reliable LED lighting specialists because LED as a light source can provide the precise amount of light you wish where and when you need it. It is also known for giving more light while consuming less energy which makes this solution more than adequate for bosses, employees, as well as the environment, and not to mention that they come in different designs so that they can complement any interior design.

Messy desk
Although this sounds like a conspiracy concocted by your parents to make you keep your desk clutter-free, a messy desk can be detrimental to your work productivity. Most people who like to keep things untidy solemnly swear that their mess is actually orderly from their perspective and that they can find anything they need. However, such a desk is a source of distraction because there is always something on it which can catch your eye. Also, an unsorted pile of papers on your desk subconsciously gives rise to a feeling of anxiety because it might seem that the workday hasn’t even begun and you are already behind schedule. In those moments, you will undoubtedly start blaming yourself for not tidying up earlier which will have a bad influence on your productivity. All things considered, it’s best to keep tidy at least part of your desk with essential work-related items.

Workday diet
Believe it or not, the second piece of bread you are eating can affect your efficiency. This is, of course, a simplified statement and your diet is primarily crucial because of your health but nevertheless, food and drinks can and do influence your focus and your energy levels during the day. For instance, we need glucose for our brain to function but sugar, being a simple carbohydrate, is broken down quickly and gives you a short-lived surge of energy which can be more distracting than helpful. Coffee is considered almost a magic potion among employees around the world but too much caffeine can cause anxiety which will not help you get more work done. Also, it is essential to have regular meals because, as you probably noticed, it is difficult to concentrate when you are hungry. Our food-related habits are often the most difficult ones to be changed but can have a strong influence on the amount of energy you have on a daily basis.
There are many factors that influence our daily productivity, even our mood but it is essential to recognize what’s troubling us and then try to find a solution to that. Once you do, you will be able to work with more vigor which will have a positive effect on your productivity.
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