Hi!, My name is Mediajon and I'm the first contact with you here. Everything I know about icon illustration, vector graphics I taught myself. I read tutorials and try them online. I run a textile printing company and we do a lot of fashion design everyday.
Do you want to succeed in an IT career? Well, don’t just jump to the expensive and time-consuming information technology training. You first have to prepare how to succeed in the profession of information technology. But how do I get prepared? Which is the best training option to help me build my IT career? If…
Ecommerce websites have completely changed the way we do shopping these days. Thanks to them, we now have more options than ever before when it comes to shopping for all the things that we need. This has also opened up a lot of avenues for people to launch online businesses and encourage their target customers…
Image Source IoT is the system of physical ‘objects’ like-vehicles, brilliant gadgets structures, and stuff – implanted with programming, hardware, sensors, and web arrange availability, which makes these ‘objects’ gather, share and execute information. The Internet of Things is tied in with executing smaller-scale sensors and microcontrollers on material things to transform them into more…
Image Source The various dimensions of the healthcare industry are rapidly changing shape and the industrialists, the health care providers and the patients; everyone needs to be aware of it. There has been tremendous development in the healthcare technology trends, over the past few years, with Quality Assurance (QA), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML),…
Unique Creative Advertisement always attracts customers. Not only customers, but also some expert graphic designers are attracted. To create an attractive advertisement you can use photo manipulation way. By this way you can get great effective results. Photo Manipulation is widely used by graphic designers to create very popular print advertisements. They can be used…
Future Concepts are Digital Art I really enjoy, big cities and fantastic view. When you combine present and future it’s just magic. I myself enjoy drawing fantastic cities, but this time I collected some great arts from other artists. You may also be interested in the following creative examples 30 Rock Band Wallpaper Designs for Inspiration Creative 3D Graphics: Inspiration…
Coronavirus and Cyber-Attackers The world is facing a global crisis that has led most of the world to shut down and stay at home. More than 80% of offices around the globe have fully or partially closed, while millions of people have lost their jobs. Work from home has become a common practice for the…
Image Source As a small business, it can sometimes feel impossible to stand out from the crowd online. The internet is a fiercely competitive arena that is dominated by the larger companies that have the reputation, resources, and money to dominate online. While it is a challenge to get noticed online when you are a…
Source: Unsplash.com If you’ve been in the entrepreneurial game for any amount of time, you’re probably aware that the environmental cause is booming across the globe. This should come as no surprise, as the rising threats of climate change along with the rapidly-deteriorating ecosystems have prompted consumers, governments, and businesses around the world to unite…
If you enjoy sports and exercise or simply like to spend your days exploring the outdoors, you will need to take different steps to keep healthy than sedentary people. To adapt your routines to suit your lifestyle, here are some of the best actions you can take to ensure that you can continue to live…