Hi!, My name is Mediajon and I'm the first contact with you here. Everything I know about icon illustration, vector graphics I taught myself. I read tutorials and try them online. I run a textile printing company and we do a lot of fashion design everyday.
Think back on the decisions you regret in life – do you find a lot relate back to money and time? Time wasted and money poorly spent! Sure, we all learn from our mistakes – but we can also learn from the past mistakes of others. With that in mind, here is a collection of…
To use a bitmap, or not to use a bitmap? For many website owners, this question comes up frequently while choosing resources to use for their site. Bitmaps were once one of the most popular image types, but their use in websites has waned — W3Techs reports that today only .03 percent of websites use…
It has never been easier to design your own printed circuit boards, as long as you know what you want to do with them, of course. Lots of people who get into PCB design find that they soon bump up against a wall and don’t know where to go next. If this sounds like you,…
Thanksgiving is upon us, and while the Black Friday sale is the one to watch out for after the festivities. Most discounts are really good at this time of the year, but getting a present for your loved one without the sale, sends a message to them that they’re indeed loved and treasured. Forget about…
Did you know the importance of robotic cameras in pipe inspection? Using robotic cameras in pipe inspection also responds to the name of boroscopy. It is a technique that has been made possible thanks to technological advances that evolve in two ways. On the one hand, the devices necessary to carry out the work can…
If you are like most people, you have a great deal of technology in your home that you use for productivity, communication, and entertainment. These devices represent a significant financial investment on your part. While you may love your devices when they work smoothly, it is another story when something goes wrong. An electronic connection…
Working within the criminal justice system is a popular choice amongst many young people. It brings a good level of financial stability, high job satisfaction ratings, substantial room for development and an interesting work environment. While it comes with its own set of unique challenges like any job, it is amongst the most rewarding career…
High-quality UX design means a lot. Enterprises need software that assists their employees in doing the job faster and more efficiently. That is why enterprise UX design should be well-thought, and it should be created considering many critical nuances. Well, it is better to speak about enterprise UX design definition, steps to make it great,…
Finding the perfect flow of words is essential in all form of writings. You need to convey the right material and idea to your readers through your writing. However, this can be a tedious job for many. Not everyone is blessed with the right writing skills. Despite this, most of us have had to submit…
Att gå på fest är något som är vissa förunnade. Dessa vissa kanske också får väldigt många inbjudningar till väldigt många fester. Det är då som man kanske behöver tänka lite extra på vad man ska ha på sig men hur ska man kunna hålla sig rätt under en längre tid? Det gäller att vara…