Hi!, My name is Mediajon and I'm the first contact with you here. Everything I know about icon illustration, vector graphics I taught myself. I read tutorials and try them online. I run a textile printing company and we do a lot of fashion design everyday.
Image source Relocating your office for any reason, good or bad, can be a great deal of work, especially in those cases where it needs to be done quickly. Costs can rise, you need to make sure nothing is damaged or lost in the process, and it can be disruptive to your business. If the…
For most of the business owners out there, IG has become nothing more than a mystery, which is to be solved as soon as possible. It is true that unless you are a celebrity, it becomes hard to gain popularity on Instagram. Even though, this statement is true to some extent, but not everyone is…
UX is one of the most important elements of web and application design. With technological advancement, the expectations of users are also increasing on a consistent basis. However, what are the important elements of good UX? This is a question that is in the mind of every web and application designer because at the end,…
Logo plays a vital role in today’s marketing era. The logo is sole representation of the company in front of the customers. Thus, Logo Design Services Delhi are in great demand. There are a few steps you need to follow while designing a logo for the company. The following are the steps how you must…
The modern age is busy. There is no denying it. Our lives are becoming increasingly more interrupted by work, obligations, technology and more. It can be difficult to find any time for ourselves. Postmodern philosophy states that we have lost the understanding of the moral and sensual values of human life. Ambiguity is prominent in…
Granted, creating a robust online presence is a time-consuming undertaking. However, the benefits to your business and brand are well worth it. A website offers you a unique, unlimited and uncensored platform to sell your brand. Further, it increases opportunities for direct interaction and relationship-building with your customers. Think about it in this way; 91%…
Ah, Scotland. Land of the Scots, home of the Loch Ness Monster, and the very place that the sport of golf was birthed into the world. This country is home to 5.3 million people but sees approximately 14.1 million tourists a year. Many visitors stop at Southern Scotland, enjoying the amenities in the country’s lively cities of Glasgow and Edinburgh, but for the…
A quick CorelDRAW Converter for MAC OS Yosemite 1.4 update is out now. Here’s what is coming with it: Enhanced for MAC OS Yosemite. Improved Zoom In and Zoom Out. Added Zoom Out Feature – view opened files smaller than actual size. Enjoy! Download it for Free. This post is updated on 24.08.2018 Third version of CDRViewer is available. We recommend you update…
As the title of this article suggests, we assume you use Google AdWords. If for some strange reason you do not, start doing so immediately as you are well behind the pack as far as targeting the right potential customers for your business. Now, assuming you are using AdWords, let’s discuss some things to avoid…
As technology continues to evolve and innovations become more commonplace, virtual work teams are increasingly prevalent. A remote team provides your business with incredible benefits, such as a reduction in overhead and improved productivity. Employees also may enjoy the many benefits associated with the working from the comfort of their home, such as eliminating commute and…