Hi!, My name is Mediajon and I'm the first contact with you here. Everything I know about icon illustration, vector graphics I taught myself. I read tutorials and try them online. I run a textile printing company and we do a lot of fashion design everyday.
‘Your mobile device has quickly become the easiest portal into your digital self’ – Phil Nickinson. Mobile applications have become integral for every business. Users downloaded more than 50 billion Android applications and 25 billion iOS applications in 2015. The number of downloads has exponentially increased in 2018. Research shows that more than 80% of…
If you happen to be going on a hiking holiday to Switzerland, you may want to make sure you’ve had a good meal before you set off so you have as much energy as you’ll need. Whether you plan to go camping or you want to stay in one of the incredible luxury homes in…
Image Source India, as is known, is comprised of 29 states, each of which differs from another on the basis of its language, religion, and aspects of culture such as bridal wear. It is true that a bride wears different pieces of jewellery on her special day. But the one jewellery piece that remains close…
The term ‘competitive advantage’ is used excessively in almost every market and in digital marketing it means the same thing – having an advantage over your competitors. But in digital marketing (considering it is an exclusive world), you are not creating anything concrete. For example, if you have a car company, you are creating an…
World Map Vector Graphic
File Format: Ai, EPS, JPG
HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, Secure) has quickly become a standard way of securing websites and it is critical that every business starts to switch from HTTP to HTTPS. HTTPS provides a layer of protection against theft and cyber security, keeps private and sensitive information safe and also, Google favors secure websites and gives a ranking boost.…
With technology getting smarter and millions of apps already existing on various platforms, making your app stand out is really tough. Even the ideas seem saturated and developers have no other option than to redesign and recreate the existing ideas. But there is still an effective way of getting app stand out – Creative Design.…
Business owners need to brainstorm and define what message their logo will communicate as your logo is part of your corporate visual identity, so a perfect design is crucial. So much marketing is focused on digital nowadays and logos have become much more complex. Custom typefaces and dynamic and colour palates have become standard practice…
Running a business back in the day was tough but with the advent of the internet and advanced computer technology, becoming an entrepreneur is easy. Although, it would be a blatant lie if one says that managing an online business doesn’t have its own set of hurdles! To make sure your online business is making…
Nothing can be more nerve wracking than meeting face-to-face with a client for the first time. With proposals, ideas and money to be discussed, what you are wearing should be the last thing on your mind. But first impressions are important. Especially when it comes down to business. This is why paying attention to what…