tweezed, waxed, threaded, shaved, dyed, tattooed and trimmed

How Do You Like Me Brow?

Who doesn’t love a brow? Fluffy brows, thick brows, skinny brows, microbladed brows, no brows, drawn on brows, high arched brows, the unibrow, brows, brows, brows. So what does it take to make the perfect brow? It’s definitely a subjective topic, and one that has changed drastically over the years. We have subjected our brows…

Be Entrepreneurial with Your Notes

Be Entrepreneurial with Your Notes

Image Source Exams, lab work, papers, and terrifying teachers are not problems that students face. Today, students also face challenges that already-working adults also face. These problems include living costs, food, transportation, and many more. Unfortunately, Australian students also face the same predicaments. The average Australian student would have a debt of around $22,000. Between…