5 Basic Principles of Usability

Usability or “user-friendly” are interchangeably used when first introduced to a gadget, application or website. It’s the core ingredient in a good website or application design, next to aesthetics, however you want to rank both. Although our preference with software and design is subjective, the common denominator boils down to usability. Or in other words,…

14 Top Mobile App Building Platforms in 2018

There are many App building platforms to choose to assist you in developing your App(s), without spending considerable funds or requiring high-level coding skills. So, we will look at platforms that will enable you to get creative and build mobile Apps in good time. Choosing from the plethora of templates on offer, they’ll look professional…

6 Tips for Setting Up Your Home Cinema

Achieving a home entertainment experience similar to what you might find at the cinema requires a lot more than buying any old TV and stereo system. Yet, with technology evolving at the rate that it is, we are presented with countless options in terms of video displays and speakers, making it difficult to know what…