Did you know the importance of robotic cameras in pipe inspection? Using robotic cameras in pipe inspection also responds to the name of boroscopy. It is a technique that has been made possible thanks to technological advances that evolve in two ways. On the one hand, the devices necessary to carry out the work can be manufactured in sizes compatible with the width of the pipes. On the other hand, this technological development has advanced sufficiently to be economically sustainable without the need for large financial resources. Hence professional companies can use boroscopy.
These are some of the advantages that come from using robotic cameras in pipe inspection.
1.- Greater security
For professionals, working with cameras avoids some important risks, such as entrapment. This helps the budgets that are issued to be lower, since the premiums for liability insurance are too. This is because it is no longer necessary to be exposed to landslides, toxic gases, etc.
2.- The diagnosis that is made is accurate
The robotic cameras in the pipe inspection ensure that the diagnosis made will always be accurate. It is no longer about examining the wall and trusting the professional’s experience. Now a camera offers an image of what happens inside the pipe. Some of these cameras allow you to make the inspection first and then analyze the recording obtained, with sophisticated visualization equipment that leaves no doubt about the problems found inside. In addition, the client; that is, the person affected by the breakdown can see for himself what the problem is. If there is a jam, a leak or a break you will see it with your own eyes. This avoids trust issues.
3.- Avoid unnecessary works
Robotic cameras in pipe inspection are able to see where the eye does not reach. And they do it in a way not only non-invasive, but not destructive. The use of cameras avoids having to break walls. In addition, it also avoids working by “intuition”, so that with the camera you will always know where the problem is. When you open a wall or lift a floor, it will always be in the right place and affecting the minimum possible surface.
4.- It significantly reduces discomfort
This advantage derives directly from the previous one. By not having to perform more works than strictly necessary, the inconvenience caused is much less. In a house it can be annoying that the floor of the toilet is lifted, but in a restaurant, or in another type of public installation, this advantage is much greater. For starters, monetary losses or customers stop going to business are avoided.
Camera technology has developed so rapidly, especially in the construction and medical fields. This technology basically has the same basis as … say a sewer camera for sale. Technological developments that occur now are more directed to the placement of the camera to corners that are difficult to reach. Hopefully this information is useful to add to your insight.