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6 SEO Friendly Website Designing Tips for Success
Each website that is successful and popular is configured in a specific way. I’ve found a few sites that simply…
Why Commercial Printing Vendors Should Invest in Web-to-Print?
The pace at which the online market is progressing is something unheard of. With the escalating use of internet on…
Microsoft’s Surface Phone Could Be The Ultimate Mobile Device!
Microsoft is not abandoning its Windows smartphone. A long way from it. The software company has a desire to construct…
Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends of 2016
The year 2016 is coming to an end and digital marketers are already assessing how current trends can propel their…
Know and Avoid the SEO Traps to Maintain your Ranking in 2016
It is important to stay relevant, to know and understand the latest SEO tactics that are in vogue in 2016.…
How to choose a design pattern
In general terms, a design pattern is a solution to a frequently occurring problem. This means that if you know…
Will Technology Make Professional Photography Automated and Outdated?
In 2014, there were 121,900 professional photographers in the United States, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. By 2024,…
A Quick Guide to Digital Photography
The field of digital photography has quickly exploded into a major industry over the past several years, with digital cameras…
4 Things to Look Out For In the Hardware Being Deployed by Your Web Hosting Partner
Websites are the fuel that runs the internet; that goes without saying and there are, as of 2016 October, some…
5 Tips for the A to Z of penguin 4.0 update for your Website
At long last, the much awaited penguin 4.0 update is here and every website owner is sighing with relief. Why?…
How to Avoid being Hacked this Holiday Season
Image Source The holiday season is upon us, which means many of us will be making a lot of online…
Major Reasons Why It Is a Bad Idea for Entrepreneurs to Divorce Their Logos
When you are able to recognize a company by simply looking at its logo, you begin to appreciate the power…
How to Turn Your Car into a Fashion Icon
The beauty of buying a new car is that you can style it any way you like. You have the…
7 Most Reliable Nail Color For Every Occasion
In the current scenario where top brand are flooding market with multiple launches with every season, nail polish is becoming…
The Best Types of Apps for College Students
These days, there is an app for everything that you could possibly need help with. Whether it’s putting together your…
Tips for Running a Blog While Studying
Blogs are great. So much of what your read on the internet now is information from a blog. With sites…
The Work Bag Essentials
The modern work environment is increasingly mobile. Coffee shops, libraries, the home, and even the back seats of Uber cars…
How to Integrate Textures in Your Images Using Photoshop
Photoshop is a powerful tool, whether you’re using it for simple tweaks or creating abstract and complex works of art.…