E-learning as a Business Idea

E-learning as a Business Idea

If you have a skill that you could teach or have been teaching, now might be the time to put it online and monetize this training. It’s a sector that is currently growing and expected to keep growing into 2021. Inhouse corporate training for product and process awareness, the training of long-term courses for individual…

When to Purchase Public Liability Insurance

When to Purchase Public Liability Insurance

Public liability insurance is a type of insurance policy that is particularly popular with salons, shops, and tradesmen. The insurance coverage covers your business against claims made by members of the public, especially when you damaged their properties. However, public liability insurance may not be the best insurance option for every business owner. That is…

7 Reasons Your Small Business Should Have a Blog

7 Reasons Your Small Business Should Have a Blog

It is hard to succeed as a small business without an effective marketing strategy. These are seven of the reasons creating a blog for your small business can be an effective component of your marketing plan.  1. Build Customer Relationships The bulk of your marketing efforts should revolve around increasing customer engagement with your brand. Engaged customers…