Five travel tips for the solo traveler

Planning your first trip abroad by yourself? The idea of traveling alone can be both exciting and intimidating, especially if it is your first time. The possibilities that come with wandering around a strange city all by yourself and what you might see around the corner goes hand in hand with the fears and worries…

Why the Right Pension is Crucial to a Successful Retirement

Pensions can be complex savings vehicles with even benefits and advantageous features sometimes being difficult to comprehend. This is borne out by so-called ‘pension freedoms’, which have caused confusion for around two-thirds of over-55s in the UK and made it difficult for savers to plan their retirement. This is why it’s important for prospective retirees…

Mobile Payments Then and Now

Mobile Payments Then and Now

Payment processor, notes the evolution of mobile payments in their latest Evolution of Mobile Payments infographic. Currently, about 40% of North Americans have used some form of mobile payment. On the global scale, Asia has over 100 million mobile payment users and Africa makes up 52% of the world’s mobile money transactions. It is…