Personal Loans

Personal loans for bad credit

If you have had a history of not paying your bills or loan installments on time, or if you tend to default regularly on your payment dues, then you would have a bad credit score. This means that it would be challenging for you to get a new credit card or a new loan to…

Tax benefits home loan

5 Ways to Cut Down on Taxes in 2019

Paying a huge amount as income tax? Wondering how to avail tax rebates? There are ways by which you can cut down on your tax this year. Taxes are an important source of revenue generation for the government. Your tax is used in various government projects, giving country’s economy a boost. This, in turn, guarantees…

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The New App Development Trends You Must Not Ignore

‘Your mobile device has quickly become the easiest portal into your digital self’ – Phil Nickinson. Mobile applications have become integral for every business. Users downloaded more than 50 billion Android applications and 25 billion iOS applications in 2015. The number of downloads has exponentially increased in 2018. Research shows that more than 80% of…