5 Tips to Develop Your Money-Saving Plan

Developing an extensive money-saving plan can be beneficial to your financial well-being. Not only will it help you gain control over your financial planning, but it can also allow you to start living within your means, making it easier for you to reduce your debt. Let’s take a look at 5 tips that you can…

Session Based Data and Fraud Protection

A session describes any interaction between a user and a platform. These interactions don’t go away once a user has disengaged with the platform. Records for each session are created and stored. Any changes or updates a user makes during a session can affect the behavior of an application in the future. Large amounts of…

How to Design Your Home to Improve Mobility

Whether you’re looking to move into a new home, redesign your current home, or design and build a home from scratch, there are several things that you can do that will improve the home’s usability and accessibility. If you suffer from mobility issues yourself, or your parents or grandparents are becoming less mobile in their…