Dо уоu knоw how to run a ѕuссеѕѕful email marketing campaign? First, ask yourself an honest question. Do you know if уоur current email mаrkеting strategy iѕ wоrking? With milliоnѕ оf email sent every dау, there iѕ intense соmреtitiоn fоr your аudiеnсе attention. Hence, it is important tо lеаrn hоw tо dо еmаil mаrkеting properly…

5 Ways Real-Time Communication Can Benefit Your Customers’ Experiences

Shaping better customer experiences in our hyperconnected world requires customer-business relationships that can be successfully built on real-time communication. In other words, customers expect responses 24/7 on their preferred channel. These channels may be, for example, mobile apps, social media, the company’s website or virtual chat. Because customers want to communicate in ways that are…

4 Ways You Can Profit from 3D Printing

The introduction of 3D printing technology has dramatically changed many manufacturing processes. At the same time, it’s created many new opportunities for entrepreneurs. The additive manufacturing process, or building objects by adding layers, allows complex, customized shapes to be made with precision and at a low cost. 3D printing is a great solution, whether you’re…