4 Long-Term Effects of a Data Breach | Here’s Everything You Need to Know

4 Long-Term Effects of a Data Breach | Here’s Everything You Need to Know

While companies continue investing in building new and better security tools, they often overlook the frontline of their defense: humans. Whether it is your employees, or your third-party contractors and vendors, every individual involved with your organization should be responsible for maintaining security.  Here are some questions that will help you evaluate if your security…

Which Wakeboard is Right for Me?

Which Wakeboard is Right for Me?

Image Source Wakeboarding is the result of the ingenuity of Tony Finn and Jimmy Redmon, who were looking for ways to introduce an alternative to surfing and waterskiing. Redline Designs, owned by Redmon, and then came up with the wakeboard, which is smaller compared to the surfboard. Unlike water skis, however, the new board had…