Top 5 Data-Driven Business Intelligence Trends

Data is everywhere. But is it healthy for your business? Businesses are throwing data at an unstoppable rate in the form of customer information, transaction details, product, supply chain management, finance etc. But what is the need for these data? Where they are getting used? Well, The true answer is- for making these businesses smarter.…

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The New App Development Trends You Must Not Ignore

‘Your mobile device has quickly become the easiest portal into your digital self’ – Phil Nickinson. Mobile applications have become integral for every business. Users downloaded more than 50 billion Android applications and 25 billion iOS applications in 2015. The number of downloads has exponentially increased in 2018. Research shows that more than 80% of…

Funding Your Entrepreneurship While Still In College

There are 27 millionentrepreneurs in America, according to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Many of these entrepreneurs will have hailed from Babson College, who have just been awarded the the top undergraduate school for entrepreneurship for the 22nd time. The college strongly promotes the notion that entrepreneurs “can be made, not just born”, meaning any student can do…